Don't miss this fun and fascinating new exhibit featuring one of the earliest extant examples of Max Fleischer's animation plus amazing, never-seen-before footage from Fleischer family home movies (featuring Max himself and their real life dog Bimbo!), and the story of the real-life puppy who just recently joined the ranks of Fleischer dogs! It's all here.
When we at Fleischer Studios heard this story, we knew exactly what Betty Boop herself would do; and so that's exactly what we did! We reached out to PAWS and donated the entire cost for the puppy's prosthesis.
We are also very pleased to report that this sweet Betty has found her forever home and, with the help of Dr. Barbara Royal, preparations are already underway for her prosthetic paw.
For more on this story, check out the terrific follow-up on FOX 32 News which aired on April 9, 2015. We'll keep you up to date on Betty's progress! now offers fans a curated look at the latest Betty Boop products; Betty Boop’s Blog; real-time links to her social media channels, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest; contests and giveaways; a link to sign up for the Official Betty Boop Newsletter emailed each month, and a link to the Fleischer Studios website (that’s us!) providing additional information for fans fascinated with Betty’s rich history.
December 2023